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Franchesca Dunmeyer: Desires of My Heart

Franchesca Dunmeyer: Desires of My Heart

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by Felisha Ellison

Franchesca Dunmeyer is a radical, free worshipper out of Raleigh, North Carolina who has a refreshing new sound and spin on Gospel & Christian music. A singer, songwriter, and musician, Franchesca was first introduced to music in church but began her own journey with Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior in 2016.

Recently, I had the chance to ask Franchesca about her musical journey, her creative process, and her new album. Here’s what she had to say.

Felisha Ellison: Hi Franchesca, Thank you for taking the time to share your musical journey and the story behind your new album, Desires of My Heart.  We are excited to share your story with our readers.

Now, tell us, what is the inspiration behind the Desires of My Heart album? 

Franchesca Dunmeyer: Desires of My Heart was inspired by a word spoken by God. He clearly told me, “Don’t die with these songs inside of you.” After that moment, I just worked on actively getting the songs I wrote, outside of me. The intention was never to actually create an album. As the songs continued to come out, they all had a resounding theme - they were my feelings, my hopes, and my desires. So, ultimately the album was inspired by a word from God.

Felisha: What was the greatest challenge you overcame as you worked on your album release? 

Franchesca: The greatest challenge that I had to overcome during the process of working on the album was honestly my finances. I had to trust God to provide and make a way for me. It’s no surprise that He made a way.

Felisha: If someone could only listen to one song on Desires of My Heart, which song should they listen to and why?

Franchesca: I would urge listeners to listen to track #5 Only Way. Only Way is a perfect description of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. More than listens or streams, it’s about souls. Winning souls for the Kingdom, because that’s all that’s going to matter in eternity, not if I top the charts but if I make disciples and spread the Gospel. Only Way describes that Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life. It deters people from popular beliefs that perhaps Heaven or Hell isn’t real. Only Way shares the gospel and that’s the good news we all need to hear. It reminds people that the only way to the Father in heaven is through the Son, Jesus Christ. 

Felisha: What life events do you think prepared you to complete this project?

Franchesca: Giving my life to Jesus prepared me to complete this project. I literally couldn’t have acted on one single thing without God. He’s a constant reminder that it’s not about me, it’s bigger than us all. So, when I had a personal encounter with Christ it changed me and the vision for my life. Afterward, I knew I desired to give Him glory for who He is and all He’s done for me. That’s what I pray is reflected in everything I do, including this project and many other things to come.

What does your creative process look like?

My creative process looks like playing the music that I personally feel connected to. I usually have a recording device nearby and my favorite place to create is in my car. After getting a feel for the beat, a groove with a slight head bop, I begin to sing what’s inside. No pen, no paper - just feelings. After I’ve let out a first take/freestyle, I may begin to mumble melodies or sing random parts that feel good. Following that, I’ll provide some structure [to the song] once I’ve completed the melodies. That’s pretty much it. 

What advice would you give other Christian creatives who know that God has placed a desire on their heart to accomplish something but they don’t know where to start?

After speaking what He spoke to me saying, “Don’t die with this music inside of me.” I knew I heard Him clearly and I also knew I’d be obedient. I just didn’t know where to start. So, God is faithful and graced me with direction. He spoke again and said, “Just put one foot in front of the other.” I’ll never forget it. So, those are the words I’ll pass on to you. Just put one foot in front of the other, which means: don’t look at the entire vision He’s given you, instead, look at the very first step, task, call, etc. that needs to take place in order to get to the destination. In that, the pressure is taken off because if God has called you to it, He’ll get you through it. Some doors won’t open until you take the first step and when you make that first step He will meet you there.

When should we expect your next album?

The next album will be released in Spring 2020.

Where can we listen to your current album?

You can find Desires Of My Heart on all streaming platforms like Apple Music, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Pandora, YouTube and many more!

Visit FranchescaMakesMusic.com to hear more music from Desires of My Heart.

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